International Engineering Design Challenge (IEDC)


From IEDC2017 Hokkaido, we have introduced a new activity, publishing wall-newspapers. In the workshops, each team has to make a wall-newspaper which reports the day's activities every day. By creating the wall-newspapers, they can review the day's activities and doing group works in relaxed environments.

The wall-newspapers are displayed in the room and Facebook page of the workshop. They also evaluated as outcomes of the team.


  1. In the evening group work session, deriver a poster paper (A1 size is better) and a set of color pens (water base paints are better) for each group.
  2. In the wall paper, 1) team name, 2) name of each member, 3) date must be written.
  3. The deadline is the midnight of the day. Until the deadline, each group must display the day's newspaper on the designated place in the group work room.
  4. Next morning, all staffs score the newspapers.
  5. Take photos of all newspapers, and post them on IEDC facebook page.


The viewpoints of scoring are (1) PT: performance of teamwork, (2) QR: qualities of review activities (contents of the paper),  and (3) VQ: visual qualities of the paper. The staffs score each paper on a five-point scale. A staff's evaluation is calculated as (PT x 0.4 + QR x 0.4 + VQ x 0.2) x 20. Then, the average evaluation of all staffs is given for the team as the day's score.

Each day's score is not opened for the team. Only the ranking of the team is shown in the meeting in the next morning. (NOTE: By showing the current position of the team, increasings in motivation of the members are expected.)

Finally, average of whole days' score is used for final evaluation. 



Outcomes of IEDC2023