International Engineering Design Challenge (IEDC)


Small group activity for promoting teamworks. The aim is making good relationships with the other members in the same group.
Specifically, the activities include the following.

Deciding on the team name and designing the logo

  1. Team members discuss and decide on a team name within 10 minutes.
  2. After that, design and draw a team logotype and symbol mark within 20 minutes.
  3. Have each team member introduce their team name and logo. The presenter explain the purpose of creating the team name and logo.
  4. Teachers evaluate presentation content and logo design of each team.

The short discussion and production times are intentional. Limited time forces students to discuss in order to proceed with their work.
Prepare the following for each team:

  1. Marker pen (7-8 colors)
  2. Paper
  3. Timer

Marshmallow Challenge
Marshmallow Challenge is a game where team members build a freestanding tower using pasta, tape, string, and marshmallows. The team that builds the tallest tower wins.

Prepare the following for each team:

  1. 20 dried pasta 
  2. 90cm tape
  3. 90cm string
  4. A marshmallow
  5. A scissor

You will need a tape measure to measure the height of the tower.

Reference URL(in Japanese)

Bibliobattle is a social book review game which was developed in the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University in Japan. Participants can get to know each other through book introductions and discussion.

[Bibliobattle Official Rules]

  1. Presenters join with a favorite or interesting book.
  2. Each presenter introduces the book for 5 minutes.
  3. After each presentation, all participants discuss the book for 2–3 minutes. 
  4. After all presentations are finished, all participants vote for the book they want to read the most. The book with the most votes is selected as the “Champion Book”. 

Prepare the following:

  1. A favorite book (for each presenter)
  2. Ballot paper
  3. Timer

The maximum number of presenters at one battle is 5-6.
Therefore, if you are doing a Bibliobattle in a group of 5-6 people, everyone to introduce their favorite books.

Reference URL